Pulp and Paper Canada

Ontario mill tours planned for paperboard meeting

August 28, 2013  By Pulp & Paper Canada

Those in the paperboard sector can prepare for a road trip. The next PAPTAC paperboard packaging community meeting will include two mill tours in Eastern Ontario: Strathcona Paper and Sonoco’s Trenton facility.

Those in the paperboard sector can prepare for a road trip. The next PAPTAC paperboard packaging community meeting will include two mill tours in Eastern Ontario: Strathcona Paper and Sonoco’s Trenton facility.

The Paperboard Packaging Community is planning a meeting Oct. 1 and 2, 2013. The meeting will start at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, Oct. 1 with a tour of Strathcona Paper, Napanee, Ont. A group dinner will be held that evening in Belleville, Ont. On Wednesday, Oct. 2, the day will start with a brief business meeting and technical presentations at Sonoco’s mill in Trenton, Ont. In the afternoon a tour of the Sonoco mill will be held.

E-mail Carmie Lato at (clato@paptac.ca) to confirm your participation or call 514-392-6969.

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