Pulp and Paper Canada

Features Financial Reports & Markets
PaperWeek Canada dates set for 2012

July 19, 2011  By Pulp & Paper Canada

More than 400 participants attended PaperWeek Canada last year.

PaperWeek Canada 2012, the annual conference of the Canadian pulp and paper industry, will be held from January 31 to February 2, at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montreal. This annual gathering is organized by the Pulp and Paper…

PaperWeek Canada 2012, the annual conference of the Canadian pulp and paper industry, will be held from January 31 to February 2, at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel in Montreal. This annual gathering is organized by the Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC).

PAPTAC also announced the return of the PaperWeek trade show, which will be held in conjunction with the business and technical sessions.

Details regarding the business and technical programs, registration, hotel reservations, and activities will be uploaded regularly to www.paperweekcanada.ca. The association has issued a call for papers for the technical program. Technical experts, mill personnel, and researchers are invited to submit abstracts to Carmie Lato, clato@paptac.ca, before Sept. 30.

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