Pulp and Paper Canada

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Solid Waste Reduction Tips on the Internet

Virtual tips for managing the environmentBy Phil RiebelWith the daily activities, numerous projects and meetings on the go, the last thing on our minds may be to take a few hours to browse the Intern...

January 1, 2002  By Pulp & Paper Canada

Virtual tips for managing the environmentBy Phil Riebel

With the daily activities, numerous projects and meetings on the go, the last thing on our minds may be to take a few hours to browse the Internet for environmental news and opportunities. However, the time spent researching the Net usually advances our environmental expertise or the performance of the company.

For many pulp and paper companies, solid waste reduction has been an important environmental objective. With this in mind I have identified some of the more useful web sites for Canadian mills. Since my last extensive search there has been an explosion of B2B (business-to-business) sites. For example, the Yahoo B2B link for “Environment” will show several potentially useful sites, some of which are listed below.

Organization/Name URL Comments
American Forest and www.afandpa.org The site has a section on recycling
Paper Association (AF&PA) that includes teacher tools for
CanadianEnvironmental.com www.canadianenvironmental.com
A good resource for
environmental managers.
Calendar of events, information
by topics, all Canadian
environmental regulations
on-line, products / services by
topic and geographical area.
Good for finding specialized
suppliers and consultants.
The Composting Council www.compost.org Central resource and network for
of Canada the composting industry.
Cutting Paper http://eetd.lbl.gov/paper A site focused entirely on how to
reduce paper waste. Good
educational materials to promote
paper recycling in the mill.
Fiber Clay Council www.fiberclay Fiber clay is another term for
clarifier (primary) solids. The
council helps the industry
promote the use of fiber clay as a
raw material for other products
(household, agricultural,
industrial, civil engineering)
Global Recycling Network http://grn.com/grn/home.htm
Re-groups many companies and
services in the recycling industry
The Internet Consumer http://www.obviously.com/recycle
Recycling Guide Many recycling tips and facts to
use for educational materials and
Internet Recycling and www.recycle.cc/resource.htm
Composting Resource Page Links to equipment, products and
services by topics (i.e.
compactors, composters, odor
control, publications)
National Council for Air and www.ncasi.org Technical news and reports on all
Stream Improvement pulp and paper environmental
(NCASI) issues. Good reports on recycling
/re-using ash, fiber clay, biosolids.
For member companies only.
Parkson Corporation www.parkson.com The Thermo-System appears like
an innovative sludge drying
technology for biosolids
Recycled Paper Coalition www.papercoalition.org Re-groups organizations,
publications, products & services,
paper manufacturer’s and
distributors involved with
recycling paper
Recycling and hazardous www.omega-systems.ca Solvent recovery, hazardous
waste recovery systems waste disposal, compactors
Recycling containers www.wastewarrior.com Recycling containers
Secondary fiber inc. www.secondaryfiber.com B2B site, recycled fiber broker,
provides access to secondary fiber
and markets
Waste reduction Tips www.recycle.cc/tips.htm An on-line subscriber service that
provides many waste reduction
tips that can be used to educate
mill personnel
Solid waste and www.solidwastemag.com Canada’s magazine on collection,
recycling magazine hauling, processing and disposal,
the latest news in the field
U.S. EPA Office of www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/rrr.htm
Solid Waste Good site touching all aspect of
waste reduction.

The search led to the following immediate benefits:

A good paper on beneficial use of paper-mill residue compost in potato production

Much educational material on solid waste reduction in offices, homes and communities that will be used to promote recycling around the mill and in a joint project with the municipality (in newsletters, fact sheets, presentations).

A yearly membership to “Waste Reduction Tips”, an e-news service.

Contacts for three Canadian suppliers of waste compactors to obtain proposals. Compactors are used to crush waste paper into bales that are then picked up for transport to board mills for re-use.

A contact name and additional information to begin evaluating a new biosolids dewatering technology for the solids dredged from an ASB.

Information on two solid waste management software packages that may be useful to track opportunities and cost savings

Information on a new erosion control technology that uses compost blankets, tubes and socks

Contacts at two companies that specialize in ash re-use

A number of these findings have triggered phone calls, discussions and requests for more information. Some of the findings will result in time and/or cost savings and improved environmental performance. It is so easy to get focused on the day-to-day that we sometimes forget the benefits of education and research.

Phil can be reached at phil.riebel@upm-kymmene.com.

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