Nominations open for FPAC awards of excellence
February 4, 2020 By P&PC Staff
Nominations are now open for the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)’s third annual Awards of Excellence.
The program celebrates the people who have made special contributions to strengthen Canada’s forest products sector and its forestry communities.
Each year, FPAC issues a call for nominations so that FPAC members and partners can formally recognize their peers.
The award categories include: community champions, industry partners, Indigenous leadership, women in forestry, rising stars, innovation and lifetime achievement.
The winners will be invited to attend the FPAC Annual Awards Luncheon in Ottawa on May 28, 2020.
“FPAC launched the Awards of Excellence initiative in 2018 to honour some of our best and brightest, and to celebrate some special people doing incredible work in our industry,” says FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor in a statement.
“The program also provides us with a chance to thank some people who might not work in our sector, but have been champions alongside us in supporting sustainable forest management and the economic and environmental benefits that Canadian forestry brings to our communities and the country.”
See last year’s FPAC award winners.
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